Welcome to InsurLab Germany: Please introduce yourselves briefly.

Cleos Welt is an underwriter for pet insurance with a digital-first approach that is specifically geared towards the needs of dog and cat owners between the ages of 18 and 45.

How did you come to join InsurLab and why did you decide to become a member?

We see ourselves as part of the start-up community and seek exchange with other start-ups and established insurers. InsurLab offers many exciting formats for this. As an underwriting agency that covers the entire value chain, we are an interesting sparring partner both for the more technology-driven start-ups and for insurers interested in insurance-as-a-service concepts.

What topics and content are important to you? What is your opinion on our 2024 focus topics "Generative AI" and "Sustainability / ESG"?

The key topics are also very important to us. We are experimenting with Gen AI ourselves and expect it to provide a tailwind for our business model, from sales to claims. Sustainability is becoming the norm. We have this topic on our radar and will also emphasize it more strongly in our communication from the end of 2024.

In which of our activities do you plan to get involved?

Due to our business model, we are interested in many topics and activities (e.g. digitalization of claims processing, AI, innovation management, sustainability, platforms in veterinary medicine, sales of the future) and will look for suitable formats.

Ludwig Koch (Head of Product), thank you very much for the interview! We look forward to working with you.