The core product Selfie-Ident from Nect enables fully automated digital verification of users' identities on their smartphones using AI. The close cooperation with IBM enables insured persons to get a low-threshold and simple start in the electronic patient record (ePA). As a result of the collaboration, Nect technology has become the most widely used identification procedure for the ePA in Germany. Our two member companies Nect and IBM are thus making a significant contribution to the digitization of the healthcare system. The jury of our Collaboration Champion Competition also saw it that way and awarded the two of them the "Collaboration Champion 2021" award in January 2022.
The initial situation

Before insured persons can create their ePA, they must prove and confirm both their identity and receipt of the electronic health card. Established procedures such as sending a confirmation code, PostIdent or VideoIdent lead to increased waiting time as well as media disruptions; in addition, these procedures are often personnel- and cost-intensive. The variant of confirming identity in person at a branch office failed due to the pandemic and the associated lockdown in 2020 parallel to the introduction of the ePA.
The background of the collaboration
Within the framework of the Accelerator-For the InsurLab Germany program in 2019, IBM Consulting and Nect held initial joint talks. Here, initial ideas for a cooperation were worked out and later concretized. The success of the collaboration reflects a role model for the great potential of cooperation between large technology integrators and specialized tech players. This is particularly important in highly regulated markets such as the healthcare sector in order to meet the requirements.
The procedure
The IBM and Nect teams have been working together intensively on a daily basis since the start of the collaboration in order to adapt the joint solutions to the complex challenges of the digital healthcare market and to develop them further on an ongoing basis. The collaboration between the companies can be characterized as "agile" in the best sense of the word: short paths and rapid coordination determine the collaboration.

The solution
As an alternative to the options already mentioned at the beginning, Nect offers an AI-based identification procedure via the Nect app that can be integrated into the registration process of the respective health insurance companies. IBM Consulting, as a major provider of the ePA system, has connected Nect's Selfie-Ident process to the company's own healthcare platform using API-based interfaces. Up to 80% of all German statutory health insurers now have access to Nect technology.
"We are confident that together with IBM we can make a decisive contribution to the digitalization of health insurance in Germany." - Carlo Ulbrich, CSO & Co-Founder Nect
The outlook
IBM and Nect will continue to work together to support the future goal defined by Gematik of a standardized, federation-based identity for e-health services within statutory health insurance and private health insurance. Nect's SaaS-based technology platform enables a rapid response to new regulatory requirements from customers. Both companies intend to expand the existing solution and sales partnership and support Nect's internationalization strategy.
"The pandemic in particular highlighted the importance of digital identification processes. While some policyholders had to go to insurance company offices to access their ePA, Nect's selfie ident process allowed them to do so from home, 24/7." - Derek Proff, IBM Consulting Associate Partner

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About Nect
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