Welcome to InsurLab Germany: Could you please briefly introduce EPAM Systems to us?

Oliver Netz, Managing Director, Advisory Consulting, EPAM Systems, Inc. 

Since 1993, EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM) has leveraged its years of experience in software engineering to become the world's leading provider of digital transformation services. EPAM has an outstanding market position in digital and physical product development and platform engineering services. Development is part of EPAM's DNA. EPAM's global, hybrid teams shape the future for customers and communities around the world based on innovative strategies and excellent expertise in consulting, conception and design. In 2021, EPAM was included in the S&P 500 and the Forbes Global 2000 companies list.

How did you come to join InsurLab and why did you decide to become a member?

InsurLab is very well known in Germany and in the industry. We have participated in various events in the past, and former employers of ours have also been members. We have found that EPAM can make a significant contribution to the InsurLab's mission and also complement the existing technology members. Personal contact led to the first discussions regarding membership. Everything else up to the finalization then went quite quickly.

What topics and content are important to you? What is your opinion on our 2024 focus topics "Generative AI" and "Sustainability / ESG"?

Lars Fetzer, Transformation Director, CORE an EPAM Company

At EPAM, AI and thus also the generative variant is an essential part of our range of services. We already use AI-based tools ourselves, particularly in the areas of the software delivery lifecycle (SDLC). We also adapt these to specific industries or customers as part of our projects. For example, AI can be used to achieve significant time savings in test data generation, user story creation or test automation. The topics of automation, digitalization and enabling efficient virtual collaboration are aspects that are also very relevant for ESG. Reducing journeys, saving paper (e.g. in customer communication) or enabling digital access channels for products and services are relevant levers for companies. We have a large number of solutions here that we are implementing with our customers and that we will discuss with other members.

In which of our activities do you plan to get involved?

Certainly the round tables and workshops, as we will have a lot to talk about as "newcomers". However, we also want to give InsurLab members access to our engineering and digital experience experts and we are thinking, for example, of holding a hackathon or a customer experience proof of concept (PoC) - which we would also like to do with AI. However, we first have to "arrive" and understand what opportunities InsurLab still offers and what needs the insurance companies have. We are really looking forward to the upcoming exchange.

Oliver Netz and Lars Fetzer, thank you very much for the interview! We look forward to working with you.