DearEmployee, the digital health start-up, and Hallesche Krankenversicherung are cooperating to help companies create a healthy and attractive working environment. For one year, Hallesche corporate customers of the bKV product FEELfree can use the AI-based DearEmployee Corporate Health platform free of charge.
DearEmplyoee and Hallesche got to know each other during a pitch at the InsurLab Germany insureNXT: Pitch Day#1 Accelerator Selection Competition. The start-up caught the attention of Hallesche colleagues as a provider of workplace health promotion and was able to inspire with its USPs and innovative, motivated team. Thanks to the fast and efficient networking via InsurLab, it was possible to make contact and work together quickly. After getting to know each other better, it was clear: DearEmployee's individual and unique service matches Hallesche's vision - to drive company health management forward. The Insurlab program incl. network was a great help to implement the cooperation in record time (in 3 months).

Our working world is very complex and constantly changing. The challenges are becoming tangible for employees in their day-to-day work and are also having an impact on their health. This is precisely where Hallesche, in its role as a health partner, wants to come in and support its customers through the DearEmployee service.
In addition, there are many providers on the bKV market who copy the conditions of Hallesche's FEELfree budget tariff and offer the benefits at a lower price. In order to prevent Hallesche's existing customers from switching to competitors, the innovative cooperation was intended to create added value for bKV corporate customers that does not yet exist on the market.
Good and trusting cooperation requires continuous and intensive exchange - this is what DearEmployee and Hallesche have achieved. In regular coordination meetings, the parties involved exchanged and agreed on the framework conditions of the campaign. Topics such as the design of the landing page, social media and marketing measures, the organization of webinars, and internal arrangements were coordinated dynamically and productively, which enabled rapid implementation.
The collaboration between DearEmployee and Hallesche gave rise to the idea of an exclusive campaign: for FEELfree corporate customers from the bKV sector, Hallesche will assume the costs of access to the DearEmployee corporate health platform for one year. The platform enables companies to measure stress in the workplace using a scientifically validated survey method and obtain tailored solutions for their teams. Mental risk assessment is also covered by the platform. Based on the results, recommendations for action are presented for employers to strengthen the health, motivation and retention of employees. On the one hand, this is intended to reduce the risk of burnout and health care costs, and on the other, to increase employee motivation and employer attractiveness. The campaign can also be a convincing argument for new customers to opt for the FEELfree tariff at Hallesche.
"When, if not now? We want your teams to do well. However, our data shows a steady increase in mental stress. So right now, teams need readily available and effective interventions. With the DearEmployee platform, we can help your teams get the exact support they need." - Dr. Amelie Wiedemann, CSO & Co-Founder of DearEmployee
By the end of the year, the current campaign should be successfully completed and added value generated on both sides. Since the collaboration between DearEmployee and Hallesche has worked optimally on all levels so far, innovative ideas for future cooperation have already been collected in a vision workshop. The common goal is to establish a long-term cooperation to revolutionize the bKV sector. Steps for further cooperation are to be planned and concretized before the end of this year.
"We are MORE than just a health insurance company: We are the health partner of our corporate customers and - especially in times when mental stress is on the rise - we focus on the mental health of their employees. We complement our innovative health budget with a great offer exclusively for all FEELfree customers." - Wiltrud Pekarek, Wiltrud Pekarek, Member of the Board of Management of Hallesche Krankenversicherung