New additions to our Cologne Lab: Recently, we have strengthened and enriched the Nadine Olbrich (Campus & Event Manager) and Thomas Kuckelkorn (Senior Manager Communication, Marketing and Events) join our team as new colleagues. Learn more about them here!

Nadine Olbrich began her position as Campus & Event Manager on September 1, 2021. Prior to that, she worked for eight years as an event manager at a company in the photo industry, where she organized events nationwide and abroad with internationally and nationally known speakers. Before this stage, she was responsible for the implementation of the digital annual reports of a DAX-listed company as a project manager. On the other hand, she also worked as an editor for award-winning comedy formats. This fits very well, because Nadine is an outspoken cheerful nature. Accordingly, she also believes that you get through life better with a sense of humor!

Nadine Olbrich

"I am very much looking forward to joining our campus community! With my professional background as an event and project manager in various fields, I am sure that I bring the best prerequisites to give new impetus to the campus and event management of InsurLab Germany."

Nadine is a very nature-loving person. She lives with her little daughter and her partner in the countryside and loves the walks and bike rides together in nature as a balance from professional life.

Before Thomas Kuckelkorn joined our team on October 15, 2021, he was responsible for internal and external corporate communications at a Dutch, internationally active software manufacturer with German and Belgian subsidiaries for almost eight years. In this role, he also managed corporate marketing and all public relations activities and represented the company in associations such as Bitkom and other institutions. Prior to his professional career, he studied linguistics, communications and political science at RWTH Aachen University, where he was awarded a place on the Dean's List in 2013 as one of the best graduates of the year. The best prerequisites, therefore, to start as Senior Manager for Communications, Marketing and Events with us!

Thomas Kuckelkorn, Senior Manager Communications, Marketing and Events

"Exciting tasks are waiting for me! With my know-how and experience, I want to contribute to advancing the communication, marketing and brand development of our industry initiative. I am very much looking forward to working with the team, our members, the press and our partners. Let's make a difference together!"

In his free time, Thomas immerses himself in the world of BBQ, tries his hand at hobby gardening, or relaxes with a good book (preferably fantasy) or a gripping series or movie. Whenever possible, he also heads for their favorite vacation region, the Baltic Sea coast, together with his wife.

We are looking forward to the fresh wind that the two of them bring with them, to a promising collaboration and a varied time together. Welcome in the name of our board as well as the whole team, dear Nadine and dear Thomas!