In our new series "ExpertTalk" we want to offer you and our network a platform for a regular exchange. Senior Startup Manager Anna Kessler will take the time to introduce you to the benefits of the InsurLab Germany Accelerator Program.

You recently concluded your Accelerator Program 2020. What are the advantages that you offer startups?

That's right - on November 30, our Batch-#20 startups presented their progress from the program to our member companies, mentors, investors and selected press contacts. The results were impressive: over 40 projects launched in our network, 13 partnerships already published and first solutions in live operation! And all this was achieved during a program duration of only 6 months.

And this is precisely the secret of our program's success: It is not aimed at financial participation or short-term, selective support for the selected startups. Rather, the focus is on the creation of joint projects and long-term collaborations. For this reason, we deliberately organize only one accelerator program per year, into which the entire energy of our strong network then flows. The common goal is always to continuously drive the transformation of the insurance industry and to quickly show the first effects.

We make this possible through individual mentoring from the top management of our members. Our mentors specifically select the startups with which they can imagine a close collaboration, both personally and thematically. They then support the startups throughout the entire duration of the program, provide them with intensive advice, and connect them with the right experts in their companies to develop and implement initial joint use cases.

In addition to mentoring, we also offer numerous seminars and individual coaching from industry experts, professional pitch training, and many opportunities to present at industry conferences or convince our network of investors. Everything is specifically designed to help startups get off the ground in the insurance industry. An important contribution is also made by our alumni, who share their own valuable experiences and insights with the new batch. Our community is thus constantly growing and cross-fertilizing each other. This makes the work fun and quickly shows an effect!