At Link Big is all about purchasing behavior. A "smart link" recognizes the customer's purchasing behavior and forwards them directly to the relevant insurance offer. By using GDPR-compliant smart links (e.g. via the call-to-action button of a newsletter), the customer experience becomes more personalized and seamless - which significantly increases the conversion rate of mobile website visitors. Nadav Raviv is the founder and CEO of Link Big and shares his personal experiences working with corporates.
Our background
In the summer of 2016 Link Big as one of 5 startups, admitted to the large John Lewis Accelerator (Jlab). After a two month pilot at JL headquarters in London, we then secured a £50,000 investment from JL & L Marks. The tips I want to share with you today are my personal learnings from that time. Maybe they will help you with one or the other project!
1. make it count!
When I asked John Lewis CIO, Paul Coby, what is the best advice for the dialogue between us, the startups and the executives in the organization, his answer was: "Your job is to prove that the time and effort we put in for you is worth it." In Enterprise, every second counts. So make sure that every stakeholder gets value from your collaboration.
2. learn to listen
"The best doctors are good listeners. Listen carefully to your patients - study them. Then they make their own diagnoses" . This is the translation of a well-known medical proverb and ultimately it also applies to our work. Because you will later earn from what you have learned by listening. Learn to read between the lines and dare to act accordingly. Ask lots of questions and write everything down so that you can reflect on it when the time comes. The likelihood is high that you will be able to use the information at some point and make the decisive difference.
3. become personal
From pitching to the first meeting with the IT team to getting to know the sales people - prepare an individual deck for every single appointment! This applies to 1:1 meetings as well as emails. No "one-deck-fits-all" solution will get you where you want to go, because ultimately you won't meet any requirements. Always take the time to study the needs/values/standards/goals/challenges of your (potential) project partner and show all stakeholders individually why YOUR product is the solution to their problems. Don't let them find out and research it themselves.
4. don't be a superhero
Don't be the superhero who rushes to the rescue... Be more like the kid in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory who joined the factory workers in their joy :-). You are not here to "save" anyone. Your success is much more likely if you are "one of them" and manage to motivate and carry them along.
5. prepare agenda
To be a "gold digger" (and show it to everyone), set an agenda with clear objectives before each meeting and share it in advance via email. People in the organization are very busy and good preparation shows that you respect the time of your project partners. It also allows you to set the course to get the best answers (and sometimes questions) out of the meeting. It saves time for them (and you) - so always do it.
6. call to action - for yourself
The flow between startups and corporates is in one direction: from them to you. Therefore, never tell them what to do! They have enough tasks of their own that have nothing to do with your project. They only need to do the tasks that are necessary to move the project forward. No more and no less. You are the service providers.
7. fair everything
"What cannot be measured cannot be managed". That's why it's important to have KPIs for everything, because your direct success depends on them. After all, the statistics alone are relevant for potential investors/customers. Measure everything - from the duration of work to cloud costs - and incorporate the statistics into your communication. People will be able to process your input more quickly and you will give the impression that you have everything (more than) under control.
8. share, share, share
To inspire trust in the employee and maintain interest, startups should be very transparent about their goals, actions, statistics, progress, and results. Therefore, check in often! But remember: every contact must bring added value. I.e. no graffiti in the company cafeteria, but why not a weekly progress report to relevant people in the organization? This stays in the memory without being intrusive.
9. empathy wins
You will better understand many of your project partners' decisions if you feel as one. If you recognize the pressure the leader in front of you is under and if you can understand their goals and intentions, the collaboration will be easier, safer and more successful.
10th Challenge accepted!
In corporate bureaucracy, there are many obstacles that are put in the way of a startup. But don't let them discourage you, embrace them as part of the game. My tip when it comes to breaking through walls (or glass ceilings) is to include the word "yet" in the problem description such as "I have NOT been able to get a meeting with the CTO yet". Try to change your perspective and communicate it to the outside world. This will show your bite and motivate you to break new ground. Think about "what haven't I tried yet to achieve my goal?", roll up your sleeves and do it!
11. fall in love with the problem, not the solution
The first step to success is to be a PROBLEMMAKER. Always focus on the specific challenges of your customers. What are their problems and priorities? How exactly and by what method did they identify them? How does problem feel to the employees/partners/customers and what impact does it have on the future of the company? Only if you manage to become one with the problem, you can offer the best solution for it.
12. deliver!
The most important tip at the end: You have to deliver! Don't promise the blue of the sky, but only what you can really offer - and then overdeliver! That is, ALWAYS meet the expectations of your customers and rather go one better afterwards than to make false promises before. First and last impressions count. Rock it!
Link Big - Real-time intelligence for your links! Your partner for more personalized CX and more ROI for insurers. If you want to learn more about Link Big, click here.